Salute Our Troops Who Give So Much!
Tournament Information
May 19, 2025
Deadline for Player Entries:
May 3, 2025 (limited to 248 players)
Registration: 10:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Ceremony: 12:00 Noon
Shotgun Start: 12:30 PM
Woodside Dinner: 5:30 PM
Prizes for:
- Low Gross Teams
- Low Net Teams
- Low Net Women's Team
- Closest to the Line (Both Courses)
- Closest to the Pin (All 8 Par 3's)
- Hole-in-One Wins Car or Trip!
Bonus Activities
- 50/50 Drawing
- Raffle
Entrance Fee:
$500 per Team • $125 per Player
(Limited to 248 players)
(singles will be matched up as needed)
Please complete the team/player registration form and return it with a check or money order payable to:
Aiken-Augusta WW Golf
PO BOX 5344, Aiken, SC 29804
Box Lunch Donated by

Complimentary Beer/Soft Drinks
on Course Donated by

Dinner Provided by

Woodside Country Club, Cupp & Jones Courses